The soon to be dead poets society


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Monday, July 19, 2010
More guys I know...

Stomped out on us in an odd modern way
When he discovered that I have nothing to say
I gave the cold shoulder
Because he's 13 years older
(It wouldn't have worked anyway.)

He's tall, dark, and thin with beady little eyes
A guffaw of a laugh (comes as a surprise!)
He's a hoot and half
I'll attest on his behalf:
He's definitely one of the good guys.

A little bit odd, and a bit unaware
Of certain social graces (not that it's rare)
He's easy to tease
They do it with ease
Be he is one who truly does care.

What can I say about such a man
Who when discovering that I'm chaste, immediately ran
He sought only one thing
And it didn't involve a ring!
Of this type, I'm not a fan.

Possibly the hottest guy I've ever known
And no signs of ego ever has he shown!
It was me he did desire--
What happened to the fire?
More interest in me he should have shown.
(and so his chance was blown!)

You'd think he might be coming to recruit
Stiff and solid and not a bit cute
He knows what he knows
He's a nerd I suppose
Dependable and a good cook to boot!

This one here is an interesting chap
I agreed to a date, unaware it was a trap
When I'd disagree
He would preach to me
That's a good way to earn a slap.